El Presente Simple en Inglés | Ejemplos

Los siguientes ejemplos expresan la forma en cómo construir oraciones en forma afirmativa, forma negativa y forma de pregunta en el tiempo verbal presente simple.

Los sujetos I, YOU (singular), WE, YOU (plural), THEY siguen la misma estructura.


Cuando debemos construir oraciones en forma afirmativa, forma negativa y forma de pregunta con los sujetos HE, SHE, ¡IT, ¡Su estructura cambia!

Oraciones en presente simple con los sujetos I, YOU, WE, YOU, THEY:

  • I go to the beach (afirmativo)
  • I don’t go to the beach (negativo)
  • Do I go to the beach? (pregunta)
  • Yes, I do. (respuesta afirmativa corta)
  • No, I don’t. (respuesta negativa corta)

  • You write a letter (afirmativo)
  • You don’t write a letter (negativo)
  • Do you write a letter? (pregunta)
  • Yes, you do. (respuesta afirmativa corta)
  • No, you don’t. (respuesta negativa corta)

“YOU” singular es el sujeto TÚ. “YOU” plural es el sujeto VOSOTROS/VOSOTRAS O USTEDES. Ambos tienen la misma estructura y se diferencian dependiendo del contexto. Si invitas a una persona a una fiesta le dices “YOU”. Si invitas a una pareja a una fiesta les dices igualmente “YOU” pero señalando a ambos para que entiendan que la invitación se extiende a AMBOS.

You Tú You Vosotros Ustedes
  • We send a package (afirmativo)
  • We don’t send a package (negativo)
  • Do we send a package? (pregunta)
  • Yes, we do. (respuesta afirmativa corta)
  • No, we don’t. (respuesta negativa corta)

  • They dance very well (afirmativo)
  • They don’t dance very well (negativo)
  • Do they dance very well? (pregunta)
  • Yes, they do. (respuesta afirmativa corta)
  • No, they don’t. (respuesta negativa corta)

Oraciones en Presente Simple con los Sujetos HE/SHE/IT:

Los sujetos HE/SHE/IT siguen una estructura diferente.


Se deben aplicar las 4 reglas del presente simple sólo en las oraciones afirmativas ante la presencia de HE/SHE/IT. En cambio, en las oraciones negativas y las preguntas, el auxiliar “do” pasa a ser “does” y el verbo se mantiene en su forma original.

A continuación, verás los ejemplos, primero con los sujetos I, YOU, WE y luego con HE, SHE, IT para que logres apreciar la diferencia:

  • I go to the beach (afirmativo)
  • I don’t go to the beach (negativo)
  • Do I go to the beach? (pregunta)
  • Yes, I do. (respuesta afirmativa corta)
  • No, I don’t. (respuesta negativa corta)

She goes to the beach (afirmativo) (4 REGLAS DEL PRESENTE SIMPLE HE/SHE/IT)

  • She doesn’t go to the beach (negativo)
  • Does she go to the beach? (pregunta)
  • Yes, she does. (respuesta afirmativa corta)
  • No, she doesn’t. (respuesta negativa corta)
  • You write a letter (afirmativo)
  • You don’t write a letter (negativo)
  • Do you write a letter? (pregunta)
  •  Yes, you do. (respuesta afirmativa corta)
  • No, you don’t. (respuesta negativa corta)

He writes a letter (afirmativo) (4 REGLAS DEL PRESENTE SIMPLE HE/SHE/IT)

  • He doesn’t write a letter (negativo)
  • Does he write a letter? (pregunta)
  • Yes, he does. (respuesta afirmativa corta)
  • No, he doesn’t. (respuesta negativa corta)
  • We cry a lot (afirmativo)
  • We don’t cry a lot (negativo)
  • Do we cry a lot? (pregunta)
  • Yes, we do. (respuesta afirmativa corta)
  • No, we don’t. (respuesta negativa corta)

It cries a lot (afirmativo) (4 REGLAS DEL PRESENTE SIMPLE HE/SHE/IT)

  • It doesn’t cry a lot (negativo)
  • Does it cry a lot? (pregunta)
  • Yes, it does. (respuesta afirmativa corta)
  • No, it doesn’t. (respuesta negativa corta)
  • They play football (afirmativo)

  • They don’t play football (negativo)
  • Do they play football? (pregunta)
  •  Yes, they do. (respuesta afirmativa corta)
  •  No, they don’t. (respuesta negativa corta)

He plays football (afirmativo) (4 REGLAS DEL PRESENTE SIMPLE HE/SHE/IT)

  • He doesn’t play football (negativo)
  • Does he play football? (pregunta)
  • Yes, he does. (respuesta afirmativa corta)
  • No, he doesn’t. (respuesta negativa corta)

70 Ejemplos Afirmativos con Sujetos I, You, We, You, They

  1. I go to the park every day
  2. You work very hard at the office
  3. We play guitar very well
  4. You cook paella and soup
  5. They always eat a lot of food
  6. I drink Coke and Fanta
  7. You drive a fast car
  8. We do our homework daily
  9. You get a bonus if you pay in advance
  10. They give money to the poor
  11. I read lots of books
  12. You see a beautiful landscape
  13. We look old and tired
  14. You take all the medicines
  15. They study literature and mathematics
  16. I think that we must exercise
  17. You wash your car every Sunday
  18. We watch movies at night
  19. You have an amazing house
  20. They find money on the floor
  21. I wake up every morning at 6am
  22. You learn different languages 
  23. We write letters to our grandmother
  24. You walk in the park every afternoon
  25. They make a chocolate cake
  26. I listen to the radio at noon
  27. You sleep all night long
  28. We live in the best country ever
  29. You brush your teeth before bed
  30. They want a nice game
  31. I need money to buy a new car
  32. You like vegetables
  33. We talk to the teacher
  34. You speak Italian, English and French
  35. They remember everything
  36. I understand the words, but I don’t know how to pronounce them
  37. You always spend money buying useless things
  38. We try hard
  39. You swim in the pool every weekend
  40. They come to my house to have dinner
  41. I start a task
  42. You say nonsense
  43. We tell our mom what you do
  44. You buy a present for her
  45. They bring strawberry dessert
  46. I change my clothes every day
  47. You cut onion and you cry
  48. We fall every time we play
  49. You fix your car
  50. They forget the speech
  51. I lose control
  52. You open the door
  53. We close the window because it’s cold
  54. You pay with dollars
  55. They put money in the envelope for their grandson
  56. I run 5km every Saturday
  57. You send a package to your aunt
  58. We feel tired and bored
  59. You teach English to children
  60. They wait for the bus every morning at 8am
  61. I fly high in the sky
  62. You leave the house every afternoon at 4pm
  63. We know our rights
  64. You believe in magic
  65. They become angry
  66. I ask my mom for advice
  67. You hear music next door
  68. We use newspapers to clean
  69. You sing great songs
  70. They text their dad every evening

70 Ejemplos Negativos con Sujetos I, You, We, You, They

  1. I don’t go to the park every day
  2. You don’t work very hard at the office
  3. We don’t play guitar very well
  4. You don’t cook paella and soup
  5. They don’t always eat a lot of food
  6. I don’t drink Coke and Fanta
  7. You don’t drive a fast car
  8. We don’t do our homework daily
  9. You don’t get a bonus if you pay in advance
  10. They don’t give money to the poor
  11. I don’t read lots of books
  12. You don’t see a beautiful landscape
  13. We don’t look old and tired
  14. You don’t take all the medicines
  15. They don’t study literature and mathematics
  16. I don’t think that we must exercise
  17. You don’t wash your car every Sunday
  18. We don’t watch movies at night
  19. You don’t have an amazing house
  20. They don’t find money on the floor
  21. I don’t wake up every morning at 6am
  22. You don’t learn different languages 
  23. We don’t write letters to our grandmother
  24. You don’t walk in the park every afternoon
  25. They don’t make a chocolate cake
  26. I don’t listen to the radio at noon
  27. You don’t sleep all night long
  28. We don’t live in the best country ever
  29. You don’t brush your teeth before bed
  30. They don’t want a nice game
  31. I don’t need money to buy a new car
  32. You don’t like vegetables
  33. We don’t talk to the teacher
  34. You don’t speak Italian, English and French
  35. They don’t remember everything
  36. I don’t understand the words, so I don’t know how to pronounce them
  37. You don’t always spend money buying useless things
  38. We don’t try hard
  39. You don’t swim in the pool every weekend
  40. They don’t come to my house to have dinner
  41. I don’t start a task
  42. You don’t say nonsense
  43. We don’t tell our mom what you do
  44. You don’t buy a present for her
  45. They don’t bring strawberry dessert
  46. I don’t change my clothes every day
  47. You don’t cut onion and you cry
  48. We don’t fall every time we play
  49. You don’t fix your car
  50. They don’t forget the speech
  51. I don’t lose control
  52. You don’t open the door
  53. We don’t close the window because it’s hot
  54. You don’t pay with dollars
  55. They don’t put money in the envelope for their grandson
  56. I don’t run 5km every Saturday
  57. You don’t send a package to your aunt
  58. We don’t feel tired and bored
  59. You don’t teach English to children
  60. They don’t wait for the bus every morning at 8am
  61. I don’t fly high in the sky
  62. You don’t leave the house every afternoon at 4pm
  63. We don’t know our rights
  64. You don’t believe in magic
  65. They don’t become angry
  66. I don’t ask my mom for advice
  67. You don’t hear music next door
  68. We don’t use newspapers to clean
  69. You don’t sing great songs
  70. They don’t text their dad every evening

70 Ejemplos de Preguntas con Sujetos I, You, We, You, They

  1. Do I go to the park every day?
  2. Do you work very hard at the office?
  3. Do we play guitar very well?
  4. Do you cook paella and soup?
  5. Do they always eat a lot of food?
  6. Do I drink Coke and Fanta?
  7. Do you drive a fast car?
  8. Do we do our homework daily?
  9. Do you get a bonus if you pay in advance?
  10. Do they give money to the poor?
  11. Do I read lots of books?
  12. Do you see a beautiful landscape?
  13. Do we look old and tired?
  14. Do you take all the medicines?
  15. Do they study literature and mathematics?
  16. Do I think that we must exercise?
  17. Do you wash your car every Sunday?
  18. Do we watch movies at night?
  19. Do you have an amazing house?
  20. Do they find money on the floor?
  21. Do I wake up every morning at 6am?
  22. Do you learn different languages? 
  23. Do we write letters to our grandmother?
  24. Do you walk in the park every afternoon?
  25. Do they make a chocolate cake?
  26. Do I listen to the radio at noon?
  27. Do you sleep all night long?
  28. Do we live in the best country ever?
  29. Do you brush your teeth before bed?
  30. Do they want a nice game?
  31. Do I need money to buy a new car?
  32. Do you like vegetables?
  33. Do we talk to the teacher?
  34. Do you speak Italian, English and French?
  35. Do they remember everything?
  36. Do I understand the words?
  37. Do you always spend money buying useless things?
  38. Do we try hard?
  39. Do you swim in the pool every weekend?
  40. Do they come to my house to have dinner?
  41. Do I start a task?
  42. Do you always say nonsense? 
  43. Do we tell our mom what you do?
  44. Do you buy a present for her?
  45. Do they bring strawberry dessert?
  46. Do I change my clothes every day?
  47. Do you cut onion and you cry?
  48. Do we fall every time we play?
  49. Do You fix your car?
  50. Do they forget the speech?
  51. Do I lose control?
  52. Do you open the door?
  53. Do we close the window?
  54. Do you pay with dollars?
  55. Do they put money in the envelope for their grandson?
  56. Do I run 5km every Saturday?
  57. Do you send a package to your aunt?
  58. Do we feel tired and bored?
  59. Do you teach English to children?
  60. Do they wait for the bus every morning at 8am?
  61. Do I fly high in the sky?
  62. Do you leave the house every afternoon at 4pm?
  63. Do we know our rights?
  64. Do you believe in magic?
  65. Do they become angry?
  66. Do I ask my mom for advice?
  67. Do you hear music next door?
  68. Do we use newspapers to clean?
  69. Do you sing great songs?
  70. Do they text their dad every evening? 

70 Ejemplos Afirmativos con Sujetos He, She, It

  1. It goes to the park every day
  2. She works very hard at the office
  3. He plays guitar very well
  4. She cooks paella and soup
  5. It always eats a lot of food
  6. He drinks Coke and Fanta
  7. She drives a fast car
  8. He does his homework daily
  9. She gets a bonus if she pays in advance
  10. He gives money to the poor
  11. She reads lots of books
  12. He sees a beautiful landscape
  13. It looks old and tired
  14. It takes all the medicines
  15. She studies literature and mathematics
  16. He thinks that we must exercise
  17. He washes his car every Sunday
  18. She watches movies at night
  19. He has an amazing house
  20. She finds money on the floor
  21. He wakes up every morning at 6am
  22. She learns different languages 
  23. He writes letters to his grandmother
  24. It walks in the park every afternoon
  25. She makes a chocolate cake
  26. He listens to the radio at noon
  27. It sleeps all night long
  28. It lives in the best country ever
  29. He brushes his teeth before bed
  30. She wants a nice game
  31. He needs money to buy a new car
  32. It likes vegetables
  33. He talks to the teacher
  34. She speaks Italian, English and French
  35. It remembers everything
  36. He understands the words, but he doesn’t know how to pronounce them
  37. She always spends money buying useless things
  38. He tries hard
  39. It swims in the pool every weekend
  40. She comes to my house to have dinner
  41. He starts a task
  42. She says nonsense
  43. He tells your mom what you do
  44. She buys a present for her
  45. He brings strawberry dessert
  46. She changes her clothes every day
  47. He cuts onion, and he cries
  48. She falls every time she plays
  49. He fixes his car
  50. She forgets the speech
  51. It loses control
  52. It opens the door
  53. He closes the window because it’s cold
  54. She pays with dollars
  55. He puts money in the envelope for his grandson
  56. It runs 5km every Saturday
  57. He sends a package to his aunt
  58. It feels tired and bored
  59. She teaches English to children
  60. He waits for the bus every morning at 8am
  61. He flies high in the sky
  62. She leaves the house every afternoon at 4pm
  63. He knows his rights
  64. She believes in magic
  65. He becomes angry
  66. She asks her mom for advice
  67. He hears music next door
  68. She uses newspapers to clean
  69. He sings great songs
  70. She texts her dad every evening

70 Ejemplos Negativos con Sujetos He, She, It

  1. It doesn’t go to the park every day
  2. She doesn’t work very hard at the office
  3. He doesn’t play guitar very well
  4. She doesn’t cook paella and soup
  5. It doesn’t always eat a lot of food
  6. He doesn’t drink Coke and Fanta
  7. She doesn’t drive a fast car
  8. He doesn’t do his homework daily
  9. She doesn’t get a bonus if she doesn’t pay in advance
  10. He doesn’t give money to the poor
  11. She doesn’t read lots of books
  12. He doesn’t see a beautiful landscape
  13. It doesn’t look old and tired
  14. It doesn’t take all the medicines
  15. She doesn’t study literature and mathematics
  16. He doesn’t think that we must exercise
  17. He doesn’t wash his car every Sunday
  18. She doesn’t watch movies at night
  19. He doesn’t have an amazing house
  20. She doesn’t find money on the floor
  21. He doesn’t wake up every morning at 6am
  22. She doesn’t learn different languages 
  23. He doesn’t write letters to his grandmother
  24. It doesn’t walk in the park every afternoon
  25. She doesn’t make a chocolate cake
  26. He doesn’t listen to the radio at noon
  27. It doesn’t sleep all night long
  28. It doesn’t live in the best country ever
  29. He doesn’t brush his teeth before bed
  30. She doesn’t want a nice game
  31. He doesn’t need money to buy a new car
  32. It doesn’t like vegetables
  33. He doesn’t talk to the teacher
  34. She doesn’t speak Italian, English and French
  35. It doesn’t remember everything
  36. He doesn’t understand the words, and he doesn’t know how to pronounce them
  37. She doesn’t always spend money buying useless things
  38. He doesn’t try hard
  39. It doesn’t swim in the pool every weekend
  40. She doesn’t come to my house to have dinner
  41. He doesn’t start a task
  42. She doesn’t say nonsense
  43. He doesn’t tell your mom what you do
  44. She doesn’t buy a present for her
  45. He doesn’t bring strawberry dessert
  46. She doesn’t change her clothes every day
  47. He doesn’t cut onion, so he doesn’t cry
  48. She doesn’t fall every time she plays
  49. He doesn’t fix his car
  50. She doesn’t forget the speech
  51. It doesn’t lose control
  52. It doesn’t open the door
  53. He doesn’t close the window because it’s hot
  54. She doesn’t pay with dollars
  55. He doesn’t put money in the envelope for his grandson
  56. It doesn’t run 5km every Saturday
  57. He doesn’t send a package to his aunt
  58. It doesn’t feel tired and bored
  59. She doesn’t teach English to children
  60. He doesn’t wait for the bus every morning at 8am
  61. He doesn’t fly high in the sky
  62. She doesn’t leave the house every afternoon at 4pm
  63. He doesn’t know his rights
  64. She doesn’t believe in magic
  65. He doesn’t become angry
  66. She doesn’t ask her mom for advice
  67. He doesn’t hear music next door
  68. She doesn’t use newspapers to clean
  69. He doesn’t sing great songs
  70. She doesn’t text her dad every evening

70 Ejemplos de Preguntas con Sujetos He, She, It

  1. Does it go to the park every day?
  2. Does she work very hard at the office?
  3. Does he play guitar very well?
  4. Does she cook paella and soup?
  5. Does it always eat a lot of food?
  6. Does he drink Coke and Fanta?
  7. Does she drive a fast car?
  8. Does he do his homework daily?
  9. Does she get a bonus if she pays in advance?
  10. Does he give money to the poor?
  11. Does she read lots of books?
  12. Does he see a beautiful landscape?
  13. Does it look old and tired?
  14. Does it take all the medicines?
  15. Does she study literature and mathematics?
  16. Does he think that we must exercise?
  17. Does he wash his car every Sunday?
  18. Does she watch movies at night?
  19. Does he have an amazing house?
  20. Does she find money on the floor?
  21. Does he wake up every morning at 6am?
  22. Does she learn different languages?
  23. Does he write letters to his grandmother?
  24. Does it walk in the park every afternoon?
  25. Does she make a chocolate cake?
  26. Does he listen to the radio at noon?
  27. Does it sleep all night long?
  28. Does it live in the best country ever?
  29. Does he brush his teeth before bed?
  30. Does she want a nice game?
  31. Does he need money to buy a new car?
  32. Does it like vegetables?
  33. Does he talk to the teacher?
  34. Does she speak Italian, English and French?
  35. Does it remember everything?
  36. Does he understand the words, but he doesn’t know how to pronounce them?
  37. Does she always spend money buying useless things?
  38. Does he try hard?
  39. Does it swim in the pool every weekend?
  40. Does she come to my house to have dinner?
  41. Does he start a task?
  42. Does she say nonsense?
  43. Does he tell your mom what you do?
  44. Does she buy a present for her?
  45. Does he bring strawberry dessert?
  46. Does she change her clothes every day?
  47. Does he cut onion?
  48. Does she fall every time she plays?
  49. Does he fix his car?
  50. Does she forget the speech?
  51. Does it lose control?
  52. Does it open the door?
  53. Does he close the window because it’s cold?
  54. Does she pay with dollars?
  55. Does he put money in the envelope for his grandson?
  56. Does it run 5km every Saturday?
  57. Does he send a package to his aunt?
  58. Does it feel tired and bored?
  59. Does she teach English to children?
  60. Does he wait for the bus every morning at 8am?
  61. Does he fly high in the sky?
  62. Does she leave the house every afternoon at 4pm?
  63. Does he know his rights?
  64. Does she believe in magic?
  65. Does he become angry?
  66. Does she ask her mom for advice?
  67. Does he hear music next door?
  68. Does she use newspapers to clean?
  69. Does he sing great songs?
  70. Does she text her dad every evening?